Brain on P*RN

1. Install parental control software on all devices used in your home. Parental control software allows you to filter out websites and block access to adult material. 

2. Use your router to filter web traffic. Some routers allow you to filter web traffic by keyword, meaning you can block access to sites that contain certain words related to pornographic material.

3. Restrict access to adult content. If you’re a parent, you can restrict access to adult content on devices used by your children. This can be done through the settings menu on most devices. 

3. Make use of accountability apps. Accountability apps are designed to monitor your browsing history and alert you if you ever visit a site that contains porn. 

4. Educate yourself and your children about the dangers of porn. Pornography addiction can lead to real-life consequences. It’s important to understand the potential risks associated with viewing porn and to be aware of its potential to harm relationships. 

5. Seek professional help. If you or someone you know is struggling with an addiction to pornography, seek help from a mental health professional or go to a support group.

These given instructions are not basic you can control it without these instructions
1. Don't take your phone to restroom.
2. If you're feeling horny better go out or hand out with your friends.
3. Hate the habit from your Guts 
4. Reduce your screen time day by day .

These are simple measures to stop masturbation.


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