There are four types of people around us .
People answer in a four way .
A 'no' guy.
And 'yes' guys.
These no guys are the once who are feeling secure with you . So they openly say ' no ' as an answer.
And there are three types of ' yes ' people.
A guy who says yes for just escaping from you.
That guy is a yes counterfeit but he doesn't help or listen to you.
Another guy says yes because they are not secure with you and they will do the help with no desire .
This guy has no intention to help but he simply does it.
That's a commitment yes guys.
And another yes type is confirmation guys who wants to really help you .
They have a desire to help you .
You have to choose you circle well . Only the guys who confroms or say no are the guys who are actually gonna be with you till the end. Don't trust these counterfeit and commitment guys . They'll make you regret.
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