Ask this to yourself

You just simple waste your time and want to become successful. How can that be possible?
You can't make sacrifices , you can't go to gym but to have time to go to a party etc.
There is no willingness to sacrifice your pleasure things that you do .
Then how can you be successful.
Work and keep on grinding you'll one day be in the place in which you want to be .
Work for it , hard work is not like working hard in a job for your boss .
Hard work is you have work on things that you want to become or do . Work hard for those things. Keep your hard mindset always on .
Do you want your children to be like your parents?
Absolutely, No right . You'll raise them right .

Do you want your children to be like you ?
Think of it . 

Some parents will be inspiration but many won't be . So work on yourself to be an role model to your child.


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