Healing power

Some of us believe in God and some are atheist. Atheist do believe in some kind of power . There is something in us itself . It is the subconscious God .

There are three steps in healing yourself .

Step one : 
Think of God and he is present in you . Quietly say that " He is boundless love  " 
Or any kind of things like that .

 Step two :
Forgive evryone and evrrhung that has happened to you and free your mind of reservations .

Step three : 
Be clam and relaxed while doing this process . It is also a kind of mediation . 
Say " I believe in this and the healing process is taking place " 
Repeat the words until you feel like doing the meditation.
At last slowly open up and thank the God .
The God may be of any . There is also God present in you .


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