
How did the ancient stoics become more famous even today ? 
What did they did ? 
They write their journal everyday. You have to pick up this habit of writing journal . How much time does it take to write what happened in  this day of your life and what you've learned . 
After waking up in the morning write this " Today I'm going to deal with people who are dangerous , jealous etc" Repetition is the key of journaling .
Then after that during the end review the day , write down what happened to you . 
Ask yourself as many question as you can in that . The paper is patient, it listens to everything. If you're tensed and angry , don't show them on people write it down . Ask why does this happen ? 
People learn from experience they say , but people learn from the reflection of experience.
Start writing, don't be feared that you're a worst writter. You're not going to show it to the world. Or you're not going to re-read it . 


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