
Why are you reading this blog ? Because its nice ...
Whatever you think of this blog.. 
We are all in a path of development. The first lesson in Stoicism is we all have to accept that every individual have a specific path .
You are in self growth development path but what about others around you . Are they in that path too ? 
Some may be some may not .
Ask yourself this question everyday " why aren't others  doing this process ?"
You can interject them into your path , if you want but will everybody be ready for that pace in their life they won't .
Or you can just let them be. Accept what they're doing and don't say anything about it. All like to enjoy life . 
Don't get involved in other people's emotion and don't get grumpy and surly because of others. 
Don't get your peace and mental health destroyed by other. 
You're in a unique path means you don't need everybody around you to take that path . It's ok to stand alone.


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