What Sun Tzu says about formation is when a army is prepared thoroughly , then it needs to wait for his adversary to show weakness or vulnerability.
That is the time to strike. With preparation you become invincible. So you can choose the right time to take action . You may be strong or weak that doesn't matter . You shouldn't underestimate your adversary or overestimate yourself. You should adapt to the situation not control it . Defending is one part and attacking is other . Both must be balanced . Defending is like depth of hell and attacking is like high heavens .
The dragon will come out of the hell when it is balanced . When the dragon comes out it knows how to defend itself and attack others . Or else it won't be coming out of its hell hole.
True skill and wisdom comes when you adapt to the quick changes of your environment . When it is easily won ,it is not the right battle for you. You have to choose the right battle . The guy who won looks back at his hard work . The guy who lost looks at others hard work . Face your problems ,study from it and select your path. The factors like measurement , quantities, calculations , comparison must be made in order to gain victory.
The victorious army is like an ton weighing on an ounce . The defeated army is like an ounce weighing on a ton. Remember to plan first .
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