Peace of mind
People tend to go in many directions in their life . They choose their path and want it to be peaceful but just not working for it to be peaceful.
Even marriage is not peaceful now a days . It has become a high status for men to marry a young and beautiful women . All they do is to show off their success to people .
Sexual desire has also changed the fact that men and women are bound to be in one flesh after it . But we all do it for lust and pleasure . It is based on physicallly , mentally and spiritually joining together.
We can all have a peaceful life , if we wish to and God doesn't give us any kind of punishment for being bad . We can change even now . God preserve Us in all kind .
There is the inner God we need to pray and thank him every day for his doings .
First I was there to escape from reality, I just smoke weed and drink more . Then now days I just pray to God if anything happens . It is also good to believe in something. Or to believe in the God which is in ourselves.
Pray to God that he is giving you everything you ask for ,but you have to suffer for it and sacrifice for it .
That's how to get that peace of mind . Even God is a peace of mind .
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