Power of Force
What Sun Tzu says is to apply force you must have control . Control is the important part for a general. The general should have control to unite the army and make them stand for him.
The message must be clear to unite the forces . Then he says to use common and uncommon maneuvers , which is when an enemy excepts a attack in front line and you attack in front line ( that's common) and you flank in side ( that's uncommon).
Use these maneuvers to take control. Use these two ways to solve your conflicts in life. There are many possibilities for your problem. Think in different maneuvers to solve it. You can gain control by using it like a Sun and Moon ( Like attack with different maneuvers).
When the general combines the common maneuvers and uncommon maneuvers, it becomes extraordinary. Uncommon maneuvers cannot be extraordinary without the common being ordinary. It is like seasons the person must use it like an endless cycle to overcome his conflicts.
The adversary doesn't know when the common maneuvers starts and uncommon maneuvers ends. Timing is the important when a person is precise with both timing and momentum , he gets a victory . These aspects work in the same way .
There might be disorder , weakness , fear etc in you but you have to overcome that and change it . Bait your opponent with your weakness and prove them wrong . It hone your fears.
Sun Tzu finally says that an amry must be like boulders . When you push from a mountain . It is unstoppable. When you push it in flat ground . It is waste of time.
The army must be prepared, ready with force and united by best way of communication to achieve victory.
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