The Three F's

The three F's are basically freedom , family and fitness . These things are every much important in life .
Does money have a part in it ? Yes money palys the main role here . 
Freedom  is given by money . Money is tha main thing . With this freedom you have many more things to do in life nor to worry sitting in a shit hole job .
Let me tell you an example if you're in your 60's with retirement or in 30's with your retirement which will you choose . 
The freedom is you can do what ever you want in life . You can take four days off and get stoned etc. You'll have nothing to worry about . You can see your child grow up in front of you .
Family is the relationship you maintain with people . When you have freedom you can have more time to spend with people . Make them trust in you or beleive in you . 
Fitness this is something money can give support but can't achieve it without effort. You should maintain your health at all cost .
These three things play a major role in life . Remember that money is freedom . 


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