Weakness and strength

Sun Tzu says that when you're clam and have a control over your emotion . You make your adversary move towards you with his emotions ( anger,greed ) on. You'll have an advantage over him. Done waste your energy moving toward him but make him move towards you .
The general must be able to maximize is own position and strength by being unpredictable. And make the adversary weak . If they're strong you need to avoid the strong areas and attack in weak areas . And be able to know your weakness and strength well. Be formless and conceal your strength. And create mystery .
Then the war will be in favor to you. When you get the opportunity you need to Swift to make a move and win quickly. When it's impossible, withdraw soon . Have a clear vision with clam mind not clouded vision with high emotions.
The general must be invincible and his moves or intentions must be unpredictable by his opponent. But you have to lure your opponent out and reveal himself to you . By divide and conquer method you can achieve great heights . You should know when and where you must act precisely. Toaist symbol is water. Be like water , be formless. Knowledge about the war field and your opponent gives you strength.  Where there is anger combat it with kindness , where there is greed combat with generosity.
The general must be swift and end the conflicts as soon as possible. And must know the deep roots and understanding of the problem well.


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