Financial Education

What do you about money and what is your perspective about it ? Do you hate money or love money ? 
People must give equal importance to financial education. 
Money is not something which is evil. It is just a medium of exchange and you need to just use your money efficiently to get rich . Even if you work a nine to five job, you can be good in your life just by investing money in some places which will give you good results. 
Some people just hate it and condemn who is having money . How rich people get richer and richer is that they teach their children the value of the money and how to invest them . They inherit their properties and make a good life for themselves. It is how it is done . You can also be rich somehow and share you assets with you children. That's life .
You need to learn about money and how it works in places . The Government prints money always and you save them . What happens is day by day its value decreases but the assets value always increases . 
If you want to start a business know it's nuke and corners. See the people who are doing it already . You can also ask for help to them. Learn about it well and the money value there and invest . Don't just jump start into hell hole.


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