Habits to deploy now

Habits are the things that determine who we are and we do it everyday. We also need to develop some habits in our life that might be useful from now on.

1. Lack of Goal Setting 
Planning and setting goals are the cornerstone for success. Plan for the day like what you're going to do and what will you do in your free time . This gives you a clear understanding of what needs to be done and you won't waste time.
2.Fear of taking risks
We tend to have fear for many things in our life . We need to conquer those fears day by day and until we get comfortable with it . When you fear it become your limit.
3.Neglecting Learning
Education has no end . You have to learn more daily in your life. After graduation you don't have to stop learning you can learn many new things daily . Adopt it now. Don't be a fool in the society.
4.Blaming External Circumstances
We have to take control over our life and don't blame others for something that they have done. There is some point that it's your fault . Be responsible for your own actions.
5.Living beyond means
Many people now a days spend more than they earn they live form pay check to pay check . And their life is like a cycle . Learn about minimalism and don't go beyond your means and buy unnecessary  things. 


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