
We all live in the present and past but we don't think of future. Because we don't care about it or time pushes you around in life . The character you must develop is always think of yourself it must be you you you always. 

If you do any type of drugs , that's you choice and you made it . What will happen in future? You might turn dead soon or you'll be a washed up junkie. Always there is a connection between past , present and future. 
You need to foresee every thing in your life which you can have control . You actions today will affect tomorrow. Good or bad that is always your fault in life . You can't blame anyone . 
The present is always a blur vision and its base of your actions . The future is a clear vision and outcome of your actions . People live locked in present they run after little pleasures etc... And end up a regretting it . 

Get a  clear vision and always foresee what will happen . Foresee it for a long period and you'll know the outcome of it . 


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