Facial Movements - I

There are many facial Movements to find the inner thoughts and feelings of a person . That will only be visible for a limited time . Use all of these cues to identify what the person is thinkjng and you can even say something to make them comfortable.
 Eye brows are the first part . The eyebrows share only two things in person thoughts . Either they feel happy and comfortable or they they'll feel tensed and uncomfortable .
Whenever you see a person or a close friend their eyebrows raise up means it means they like you more and they're comfortable with you and While talking to someone if their eyebrows raise they feel positive and accept what you're saying . 
The second thing is while talking to a person if their eyebrows squint or shrinks in size . That means they're not accepting what you're saying and don't what to hear anymore . The squinting of eyebrows also means that when you meet a person they dislikes you . 
There is a bonus for eyes . Whenever you see a person if they like you their eyes may lit up or expand and a small crink may happen in their eyes. It will be easy for you to notice these kind of facial Movements.


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