Lesson of Money : You can't stop until you've done it.

Money is all about mode of exchange and it has value to it . Every lesson you have learned about money may be like a good story and your knowledge about financial Education is good . But are you doing something to earn it ? 

That's the matter and the problem here . I see many big shit talking about money in some of my friends etc.. Each have their own perspective of money . One my friend says that "Money will come and go but people won't " 
"People is for a limited time but money is unlimited"
" You can earn billion but will you be happy ?"
These are many quotes they say when they fail or quit and live in a ratrace . They're not just living in rat race but they're living in hedonism. Just enjoy the present and doesn't care about the past .
If you really want to earn money you won't sleep well until you have earned it .
 That's the fact here . You can't stop and you cannot quit . You know that well , then don't here to these nonsense what others tell you but go do it .


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