The Process
If someone told you a something any plan or any idea or any program that is to make to develop or to evolve. You under three types of belief in your mind.
If you're fat or you're poor. I give you a plan to become rich and to be become fit . It is a great plan .
First you get to know the plan and what is your problem is you didn't understand it well enough . Who's fault is that ? You didn't Listen or I didn't say right .
That's the vehicle problem . Then somehow to managed to cross the vehicle and start the process . You made it to the second part. The second part is self doubt . You understood the program well but you lack self belief and you doubt yourself that you can't do it or you lack something .
After some time you even pass this belief and managed to beleive in yourself and you're doing great progress. But the last part is external belief . You think you can do it but you don't know will it work .
If you cross this path you'll do it and you be rich or you'll be fit .
But that's the path . It's always you verses you in the process. You can't blame others or you can't blame external event . "Oh ! Today I went out I'm so tired I can't do it "
Fools tell them that to themselves . You're a man of action do it no matter what happens.
Don't make these stupid beliefs and say that you can't make it . You can make it .
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