Mind of a Average : Break the code

 What do you do right now in life? How do you feel about it? have you seen the movie called "nobody". It is all a same loop of things happening in hero's life. From Monday to Friday, he wakes up, brush his teeth, dump the garbage, drink coffee, get ready for work and goes to work. He does the same job in the office everyday and then he comes home, eats, watch television and sleep. That's his life and he doesn't spend time with his family during weekends. What s the use of having this kind of life? You got to enjoy the life right but the average mind in you made you like this shit.

People now a days are know only for speed. They want spee

d food which is unhealthy to them. They want to become rich speed and follow the flock. They want to be fit but they do liposuction instead of hitting the gym. Speed is loved by people. 

But you have to change your average mindset, you may lose hope or you may lose friends or you may get advice from a relative to be normal. Fuck that normal average shit and do something that will help in your life. I can give you advice only to do something, but you have to figure that thing out. It may be of any kind of skill. Stop settling for things which are normal run like hell to become successful . You have to do every task as you last one.

The only thing you need right now in your life is speak wit you alone and listen to the voices in your heads. Don't limit your self from things you can do more than you think. 


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