Success Cannot Be Bought : It must be Earned

People just don't want to be rich but too look rich. You see a guy having a Mercedes, can be broke or he can be rich. Don't determine anyone by just their looks alone just will have their own problems in their life. 

Imagine there is a billionaire, he is going to conduct a class or workshop to teach you something. You just go there and learn it. You read a book, it will just give you a concept to earned wealth. They can't help you do it but they can just give you some of their ways which has worked for them.

There is a bridge. If you cross it, you will get into a abundance of everything you want. There might be some people who have crossed it. They can just give you their words and thoughts. They can't give you means of transport or anything. You have to work and make those things for yourself. You can't buy success from others but you can just get their thoughts and move more easily in you life. You have to earn it.


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