The Price You must Pay : If you Start
Some people use their teen age to shape up their character and improve themselves more. In the young age, we don't have any thing to care about too much. We have plenty of time that we can use. When you start to develop yourself at young age you should become a great guy. But during that process you will lose many kind of relationships in life.
Some may misunderstand you. You must make sacrifices to become that guy you want to be. But soon you can gain all them back again. And you will have a life to the fullest.
But if you are more than thirties and you have family and children. You have responsibility to take care of. That time you can't make yourself follow your dreams because you have already wasted too much time. If that dream is worth pursuing go after it, you will get supported in the mean time. Time is always the matter here. Prepare yourselves to face yourselves against the time you have.
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