Use Money to Gain more

 There are plenty of ways to spend money and you either buy a watch or asset or a liability or anything you wish to buy. There are many number or n number of ways to spend the money you earned. But you can also use that money to make more money.

Imagine there is a rich guy giving advice to people in a place and you have to opportunity to get advice from him but you have to pay 50K of your money or will you buy a new car or anything. The best thing to do is get advice from him because you can earn from than that by spending money for it . or else you spend your money on car car? 

Which is the best thing to do? The average guy will always go for the  pleasure he sees in front of him now but the wise guy will always do thing for the long term run. So, it is always best to get advice from people to earn money or spend your money on education. It will help you in some ways in life but not the car you bought, it just give you problems.

What I'm saying is, it is good to spend money in learning new things that you don't know. If you can develop by it, who get the benefit from it? It's you right.


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