Fear : How to Overcome it


“Fear”. What comes in to your mind when you hear the word fear? Everyone ahs some kind of fear stored in them but they won’t show it to others. They just want to hide that part. Some people have fear of speaking with others and call themselves introvert. Some people have fear of swimming. Some have fear of public speaking.

We suffer more in our imagination than in our reality. What if that happens what we can do? All the other negative things we think of in our mind. You have to think positive in ways to make yourself well. You don’t’ have to worry about that anymore you just have to think positive and the outcome will be positive if the outcome is negative, you just have to think about it in a positive way. That is how you overcome fear. If you fear water, you can’t learn swimming if you fear speaking you can’t speak well.

Imagine that you fear public speaking, but you are given a chance in your work place to show your skill and explain that skill everyone. If you can’t speak well, you can’t give them your message. So, you just have to let go of your fear and speak. Be happy that you are trying, and trying again until that comes. Don’t ever say you can’t do that in your mind, you can’t say that until you try it.

We all have fear more in our mind than in reality. There is no fear in reality. In reality there is only two things either you try or just watch. Do what you want to do.


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