Ideas for business and earning millions : Works 100%
You can't get rich by just saving every penny you get. Today thousand dollars is a great amount but after ten years it will be low. Because the value of money is going down. Anyone can generate ideas to start a business. But those ideas are nothing if it isn't executed. When you get some idea to employ, research about it and solve and execute it.
There are plenty of things to solve. People hate many things find solution for those things you will generate more ideas than before. You can't just start a business to earn money, you just have to start a business to provide value for others. Imagine that you are creating your own brand of clothes. You start a showroom to put them on sales. You provide something in market that is of use to others and earn money from that.
Facebook does not provide any content but it is were the contents are being posted. That is a value. If you can do better than Facebook, Darn it you have found a new way. Make it easy for people and make it more useful for them. You don't have to wait for great ideas to pop up in your mind, you just have to do it better than some other people. To earn in millions you have to provide for a cause and earn. Don't run after money but after the value you create. There is defensive and offensive places to earn money. This will work hundred percent, find an idea or do it better than others. Both are hard.
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