Fear No Mortal : Why God is made ?


Mike Tyson said “I fear no man, no mortal only but God.” Everyday we are moving towards an end point of our life. Out time in this world is being reduced. We got only one life then why do we have to be scared and feared by something in our lives.

 In this new generation we are changing things too much. We have many types of fear. Each person will have different type of fear but if we managed to conquer the thing, we don’t like what it will feel like? Imagine that you don’t know swimming and you have a fear of swimming in the water. How will you over come it?

You can’t do anything unless and until you jump into the water and see if you live or not. The action is the only way to make it go away. Why God is created? It may be of any God. They are created as an example for us. We need to look up to him, so we can overcome our fears. That is why being religious is a good thing. Some people will believe in God and some won’t. it is their own right to believe in something. God is created in order to eliminate fear, when this positive energy is filled in you all your negative fear start to get away.   

You may believe in any god, but the main purpose of following a god is to make ourselves free from fears that may come in any angles. All the religions out there are believed by some one whom we don’t know. Then why should we hate other religions and other beliefs? Each person has their own fear to take care of. Some people may hate others religions and want you also to hate them. What is the use in that?

It is your wish to follow any region you want. What fear gives us? It will teach you a lesson in your life. God will help us from it and overcome it. It gives us purpose to do more and more in life. But we are generation of people, who are becoming just a dreamless robot. We just want to enjoy and enjoy till the death. Enjoyment is different and life is different when you come to know the difference between them you will realize.


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