Fear : This Can Make You Strong or Weak


When you hear the word “fear”. What comes into your mind? Fear is part of our human life. We can’t live without fear. But fear will make us weak or it will make us strong. From birth to death, we have fear of many types. Before you were born your father should have a fear of losing you and your mother. He must have feared that you will born a cripple.

Then after you were born, the things have changed. Your parents must have feared to join you in school. They must have feared that you will fail and make your life worst. You managed to complete your studies.  Now this fear is transferred to you, you will have fear of your future. Like what job you will get and many more.

For each and every thing we do in our life. We have fear about it. Having fear is good and you don’t have to be always negative. You just have to be cautious in your choices. Imagine that you are going to give a speech in front of people. You will have fear of not speaking well. You will have fear of speaking wrongly. You will have fear of some one throwing paper at you.

But what matters the most is you conquered your fear and made it to the stage. That is the important thing. You did it. This fear is must be taken in a positive way. It is like a negative thought appearing on your mind. You just have to make a positive thing about it and just make this fear go away.

Important Fears

1)     We all have fear of losing someone in our life. I made up my mind that if my dad dies, I will die too. But now it is different. Everyone around us will eventually die and we have to be ready to take it. But the memories those people gave stay with us. This fear is not fear it is itself a part of life.

2)     We all have fear of failing in our life. This is an easy one to conquer. Don’t ever fear for failing. What if you fail in stage. Others will mock you and eventually they will forget about it and carry on with their life. All have their own ass to wipe, why do you care about what they will think about you.

3)     Then at last fear is pessimistic thinking. It is because of you. You think negatively and you have to change yourself if you are doing that. Read some good things to make you more positive in your life.


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