Fight Or Flight : What You Need to do in Difficult Situations


 You may face different problems every day in your life. Even if we both have the same problem, we will just have a different perspective of it. So, each and every person has different view on their problems. A problem will cause us fear and other things. That fear will make that problem harder for us to face. This is the role of fear it will try to make you weak and weak.

The first type of people are people who just don’t care about the problem. Imagine that you are walking on a road in night time. There are two guys crossing their limits with a young girl. Those two guys are drunk. What you will do? But some guys they just don’t care about it. They just move out of it like nothing ever happened.  All they want is they want their family to be safe and himself to be safe.

If you are like this you are just a guy who can’t face anything in your life. You just stay in the comfort zone of your life forever and you avoid problems. The other type are scared people. They are just trembling and avoid conflict at all cost. The first type are cunning people and they care about them only. The second are just scared fools.  

Imagine you have a problem and you just run. You did not face it. It might be a small problem. You will make it big and big. Because you will start to stack the problems in your life instead of solving it. Both these types of people are good for nothing. They are just a lost cause. One day the problems that you are avoiding will storm up in your life. And it will be hell for you.

Combat and Solve


“don’t fear other people, don’t fear anything, don’t fear any place, don’t fear always.” What we have to do when problems come in our way? Why do problems come to us? The human life is based on learning things every day. It makes a human evolve every day. So, problems are given to us in order to become strong. You don’t have to be scared by the problems you face. This is aa chance to make you stronger use it well. Face the problem first and try to solve it. Next time you will feel easy when you face this the same problem again in your life.

“Life becomes better when you start to get better.” When you start to face your problems and solve it, you will automatically get stronger. Imagine that you are working as a conductor in a bus. A guy boards the bus and says to you that he can’t take ticket for it. Will you avoid him or ask him again or runaway from him and take leave? It must be a fight response. Be ready to face it. Don’t take a flight response and run away like a little baby. Do it if you want to be a better man.




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