Strategy To Anything : Achieve anything

What if there is a strategy to achieve anything you want in your life? Wouldn't that be great help for you. But attaining it would be hard for some people and easy for some people. May be you can even achieve it easily. 
There is a guy like you and he has some work to do. That maybe is assignment. He thinks of doing it soon but he doesn't really sit and do that work. All the time went and he didn't finish his work. Whose fault is that? May be he had some real reason for not completing the work.
Strategy of time 
If you want to achieve something or do some work. Set up a time schedule for it, you have to be clear on that time. You should not make up any excuses in that time. Plan for the time and do the work at the specific time. But you have to work at that specific time without failng. Don't snooze some more time. 

Strategy of Mind 
These are the people who don't really see the time. They just think of doing some things and start to hit it at that time. They don't waste any of the time they have planing or preparing. They just go all out and complete what they have to do. This level of mindset is hard to acquire.

Strategy of little things
 Let me give you a example of process in 30 days. At first when I myself started to draw something, I was a rookie but by the end of one month. I was able to draw a whole face very beautifully. This just took me little time and practice.
If you want to achieve great things you have to do small things first. That is how to achieve great things. 


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